The Goodness Of Your Art

I am spending the next year learning about neuroaesthetics, biophilic design, and how aesthetics can help us as individuals and as a society to overcome wellness challenges. My goal is to become a reliable resource to people and organizations who are interested in improving their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of their patients, employees, clients, and communities.

I’ve been fascinated by this topic for many years, since my personal life story to this point is steeped in design used for mental health. I want to take my passion to the next level and offer services in design and consulting, however I’m personally very picky about which experts I trust and I want to see some credibility from their education and experience, and I realized that my own expertise was mediocre at best. 

I want to really push myself to grow and become an expert in the new field of neuroaesthetics, including educating myself on issues like: Why are hospitals ugly and what challenges go on behind the scenes that have left interior design and patient experience often poorly managed? Why do sex trafficking survivors often return to their abusers, and can research-backed design focused on creating feelings of safety in recovery homes help? How reliable are the statistics around biophilic design and when is it an appropriate solution vs only the solution I like the most? Why do people crave the sensory experience of hallucinogens and is there a way to create that feeling without the risk?

Of course, I also want to dive into the content that is more fun (for me): the research that is less about the limitations and more about possibilities, like why is music so powerful and how can we use it on purpose? Why do I love the color pink? How did sequins become trendy? How can I design the ideal gym for a great workout? How can employees feel more relaxed at work? How can patients recover more quickly with the help of design?

I searched for graduate programs and ultimately found only one program in the world that met my criteria for this niche interest: The MSc Psychology of the Arts, Neuroaesthetics and Creativity at Goldsmiths University of London. After a brief internal debate I quickly knew a move to London was not in the books for me right now, but perhaps I could create something of my own.

So, I’m beginning a 1 year project: The Goodness Of Your Art Challenge – A 12 month deep dive into neuroaesthetics, biophilic design, and all the ways aesthetics can increase health, wealth and happiness.

I’ll start off with the book “How To Finish What You Start” by Peter Hollins, as back up to help me, well, finish what I’m starting. Next I’ll read 2 books about Statistics and Data to help raise my awareness of my own biases and read the data I dig through this year more wisely. I’ve gathered a list of books I plan to read throughout the following 11 months, with about 3 books per month, and I’ve created a list of projects I’m interested in completing. I’ll be recording everything I learn on video podcast episodes once a month, and plan to vlog some of my related experiences this year as well. 

I’ve left the rest of my “curriculum” somewhat loose for now, knowing that I’ll likely adapt things as I learn what’s important to dive into more and what’s not as important as I thought. I hope to interview experts in a variety of topics with diverse backgrounds, and have an inspiring, beautiful year with new skills and education under my belt. 

While it’s not a masters degree, I hope over the next year, I’ll become a reliable resource for anyone who could use some research-backed, design-oriented brain hacks to overcome challenges in their business, community or personal life. 


    • Why Public Space Matters by Setha Low

    • The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative by Florence Williams

    • The 99% Invisible City by Kurt Kohlstedt, Roman Mars

    • Buyology by Martin Lindstrom

    • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

    • The Power of Moments by Chip Heath, Dan Heath

    • Nudge by Richard H Thaler

    • The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel A van der Kolk

    • Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga by David Emerson, Elizabeth Hopper

    • The Joy of Movement by Kelly McGonigal

    • This Is Your Brain on Music by Daniel J Levitin

    • Dress Your Best Life by Dawnn Karen

    • The Psychology of Fashion (The Psychology of Everything) by Carolyn Mair

    • Social Psychology of Dress Illustrated Edition by Sharron J. Lennon, Kim K. P. Johnson, Nancy A. Rudd

    • How To Lie With Statistics by Darrel Huff

    • Street Data by Shane Safir, Jamila Dugan

    • The Pain Gap by Anushay Hossain

    • Black Man In A White Coat by Damon Tweedy MD

    • This Is Your Mind On Plants by Michael Pollan

    • Need One more about medical product development and service etc

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    • The Future We Choose: The Stubborn Optimist's Guide to the Climate Crisis by Christiana Figueres (Author), Tom Rivett-Carnac (Author)

    • Fashionopolis: Why What We Wear Matters by Dana Thomas

    • Frank Lloyd Wright: Natural Design, Organic Architecture: Lessons for Building Green from an American Originalby Alan Weintraub (Photographer), Alan Hess (Contributor)

    • Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits by Leslie Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant

    • Doing Good Better: How Effective Altruism Can Help You Help Others, Do Work that Matters, and Make Smarter Choices about Giving Back by William MacAskill

    • Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond