61. Home Decor Styles for Each Enneagram Type

Today is kind of a random episode but I just thought it would be a fun one because I found this list in my notes from a couple years ago and thought it was hilarious and would make a good podcast episode. And that topic is: home decor styles for each enneagram.

So I think most of you are familiar with enneagram but if you’re not it’s like a personality test that people go really deep into and actually get certified in and everything and it’s probably overhyped in some ways but it’s actually one of my favorite personality tests because I think it’s actually been helpful to me in my life and relationships. 

So there are 9 numbers and I’m not going to get into the details of enneagram here because that’s a huge topic, but if you aren’t familiar with them I’ll give a brief overview of each one as we talk about them but this episode will be funnier to you if you’re already familiar with enneagram and are thinking of people you know that fall into each number.

Even though this episode is mostly just for entertainment I hope it inspires the creative side of you a little bit and gives you some ideas for home decor as well. So let’s jump in.

Follow me on instagram: @reallyprettygood

Show notes for each episode: reallyprettygood.com