22. How I went from a diagnosed anxiety disorder to not having one anymore


Today, in honor of world mental health day, we are chatting all things anxiety. I am not a mental health professional and you should seek the help of a mental health professional if you’re struggling with anxiety or any other mental health challenge.

I thought it could be helpful, however, to share some of my story and experience because I used to have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and I do not have it anymore. My mindset around anxiety in general has completely changed in the process and there is so much I would love to tell my past self. So, if you’re struggling with anxiety in this season or if you have your whole life, I hope you will find this episode helpful. I’ll share:

  • my story

  • things that helped & things I wish I knew

  • a few practical tips/hacks

Resources Mentioned:

Other helpful resources:

Check out my blog for more wellness posts, design ideas and DIYS: reallyprettygood.com

Follow me on Instagram: @reallyprettygood 

Follow me on TikTok: @reallyprettygood 

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