11. How To Rest When You'd Rather Stay Busy


Today as this podcast goes live I am in the middle of a little staycation week off, and so I thought what better topic to chat about than REST. My friend, new mom and fellow productivity-lover Jamie joined me for today’s episode to talk about what true rest looks like for those of us who don’t find down-time natural, who would rather be productive than take time to chill, or who honestly just feel like it’s never worth it when they take time off.

For me, rest is something I have to be pretty intentional about so if you can relate, I hope you enjoy today’s chat. We touched on why “doing nothing” doesn’t work very well as a form of rest, what types of rest do work well for us, a few thoughts on morning routines, and how freedom might actually be creating more chaos in our lives, and how to deal with feeling like you have to justify your rest to others.

Resources mentioned:

(may contain affiliate links)

The Perfectionism Project

Atomic Habits (Habit Stacking)

The quote I was trying to think of: "Mental health is an ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs.” — M. Scott Peck


Follow Jamie on TikTok: @jamieeastonn7

Follow me on Instagram: @reallyprettygood 

Follow me on TikTok: @reallyprettygood 

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