DIY Velvet Braided Headband

Loving the stuffed and statement headbands I’m seeing everywhere lately! Most of them are not over-the-top expensive, but it’s always fun to make it your own and it did end up being cheaper to make this than it would have been to buy it! If you already have some fabric and hot glue, all you’ll need to purchase is the headband!

Cost: $4-10


  • Velvet or any material that doesn’t easily fray

  • Hot Glue


  • Cut a strip of velvet large enough to cover the headband and fold over the edges

  • Hot glue the velvet onto the inside of the headband

  • Braid three longer strands of velvet together and cut them once you’ve reached the full length of the headband

  • Hot glue between the layers on the ends of the braid to keep them in place. You’ll need to fold them over a bit and can trim off some pieces here to make it a little less clunky.

  • Hot glue the braid onto the headband

  • Finish the ends and cover any cut edges by glueing a small strip of velvet or ribbon around the ends of the headband.

  • Wear the headband with hair in front and behind rather than tucking in your hair! Because of the thickness, it might want to slide off your head at first, but play around with the best spot on your head and then it should stay pretty well.


I tried a similar look to this with silk first and it did not go well! The fabric was fraying so much that it wouldn’t lay flat when I folded it over the edges. I would recommend sticking to velvet. I loved showing both sides of the velvet in the braid too for a little extra dimension!

The biggest challenge was just not burning myself since you have to push down on so much hot glue! I used a toothpick to help push the fabric down without touching the glue, but you could also probably just wear gloves to avoid burning your fingers!
