58. Grown Up “Back To School List” aka How To Have A Cozy August

Since we are in August now and wrapping up the summer, I thought it would be fun to lean into feeling I used to always get during August in my childhood and do a back to school for grown ups episode.  I’m not literally talking about grown ups going back to school, but you know that energy you would get as a kid in August that was like a mix of being excited for school supply shopping, getting all of your new things organized, learning about your upcoming schedule and overall kind of looking forward to a new season with new structure? I always loved summer vacation of course and I still love summer but there is something kind of comforting about this time of year in my opinion because it naturally comes with sort of that like nesting anticipation organization energy and looking forward to cozy season beginning, unless you live in Southern California where it doesn’t usually get cozy until November haha but I usually like to pretend it’s cold outside starting in September even though that its actually the hottest month here in my experience.

I am probably feeling it a little extra for two other reasons right now — 1 obviously the pregnancy has me feeling extra anticipation and change and wanting to get organized, and 2 here in the entertainment industry we have had a series of strikes with the writers, and now the actors, and so a lot of people’s work is kind of on hold while hopefully some new rules are negotiated. So it feels like a very interesting pause and transition right now in lots of ways.

Anyways. I wanted to make a list of some ideas for ways to lean into that back to school nostalgic type of feeling this month and take advantage of the season and make it a little extra fun. So if you are feeling the same or looking for some ways to feel a little bit cozier this month, this episode is for you. Dayuse.com Resortpass.com